Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Thank you, readers, for sticking with me the last few weeks while I've taken my time deciding what to do with this blog.

I started Basset's View of the Islands intending to provide information on moving to the British Virgin Islands -- information I had looked desperately for before my move, and couldn't find anywhere. I've had several of you comment and e-mail me saying that this website has been exactly that: assistance in planning a move to the BVI.

But I think Basset's View has grown to more than that. Early on, it became a way to communicate my experiences to my friends and family back home. A way to say "Hi, I'm all right" when phone calls are pretty costly. Somewhere along the way, I got distracted by the idea that all or most of my entries should have photographs, and trying to take enough photos to sustain five entries a week became more of a chore than a joy. I also managed to let an initially broad focus become too narrow, and to think I was somehow straying from the purpose of the blog.

I've realized only recently, that the biggest role this blog plays in my life is as a journal of my time here. HB and I love looking back at the entries, and remembering the horrible time we had with the ticks, or the great dinner we had at Red Rock. The nearly month-long pseudo-break I've taken from Basset's View has made me realize how much I enjoy writing the entries, and how I miss it when I don't do it.

Having taken a moment to step back and re-evaluate my purpose in writing, and to re-consider the reader I'm writing for, I know now that I don't really want to change what I'm doing. I want to continue to document my time in the BVI, and to share my experiences with my friends and family. The only real change I'm going to make is to focus less on photography, and more on getting a post up five times a week.

Daily posts on Basset's View of the Islands will resume on Tuesday, the 25th of January. I'll still be here. Maybe you'll join me.


  1. I'm so glad you're going to carry on! I'm sure I'll continue to look forward and to enjoy the updates even after I finally [still awaiting the work permit] make it to Tortola!

    1. @Anonymous -- Sorry the work permit is taking so long. My renewal has taken four months. The change in government that happened in November is wreaking havoc on the process. Good luck in getting it soon!

  2. i will be there. but i still want pix.

  3. Yay! I will still be reading on my RSS feed.

  4. Yea! I also still want pictures occasionally!


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